Introducing: Mark Scroll Positions

Written at 2024-06-03 - Updated at 2024-06-05
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See the source code kugurerdem/mark-scroll-positions

I like reading blog posts a lot. While some of them are short and easy to read, most of them are long and require more time to finish. When reading those long essays, I take a break most of the time. Thus, when I re-open an essay, I often lose the original place where I was reading. And if I can remember where I was, then I manually scroll back there. This makes the reading experience less smooth and more time-consuming.

A Not-So Clever Workaround (Fragmented Identifiers)

I have found a neat trick to work around this problem over time. I was already using the bookmark feature of my Brave browser, but it was not tracking where I left reading. So, I would proceed with the following procedure:

(1) Open the inspect mode.
(2) Click an element that has an ID nearest to where I am at, get the element ID.
(3) Append the element ID to the URL of the site in the form of a fragmented identifier.
(4) Using the new URL with fragmented ID, either overwrite the existing bookmark or create a new one.

If you don’t know what fragmented identifiers are, they are the part of the URL that follows the hash symbol (#). Consider the following URL:

Here #maintaining-balance is the fragmented identifier and thanks to it the browser directly knows where to jump when it opens the page.

Anyways, this approach works, but there are some problems with it. First of all, it requires manual labor which could have been automatized, secondly, although the fragmented links directly jump to the element with the id specified in the URL, if there is no element with id close to where you are, the method fails.

Seemingly A Better Idea (Storing Scroll Positions)

So, I wanted a tool to save and jump to specific scroll positions on a webpage.

I found some programs that are built for this purpose, but none of them met my expectations.

The most popular one I found was Scrroll In, and even that could be improved a lot: For example, it forces you to name each saved scroll position with an alert prompt. Why not automatically give a random name that can be renamed later? The fetch and save UI/UX is confusing—why not directly show the saved scrolls and allow users to jump to them? Additionally, it lacks features like adding notes to scrolls and searching through saved scrolls.

So I decided to build my extension for storing/marking scroll positions on web pages.

Introducing: Mark Scroll Positions

Here is my extension built for that purpose, you can download it from here.

You can save your scroll positions and resume reading later with ease. You can save as many scroll positions as you want, add notes, rename them, and see and manage all your saved spots on a separate page.

Implementation Details

I think there are 3 important aspects for understanding how this project works under the hood.

1) Interaction between the popup and content scripts

In modern browsers, the environment used by an extension’s popup is separate from the environment of the current tab the user is viewing (i.e., the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files of the webpage).

This separation isolates the extension from web content and prevents extensions from directly accessing and modifying tab content. For this, extensions need specific permissions like scripting and activeTab to interact between the extension’s popup window and content scripts.

In our case, when the user clicks the “Mark” button in the popup window, we want to fetch the scroll position information from the active tab. However, this can only be done in the content script environment. In such scenarios, you can either create a content script that listens for events from the popup (using chrome.runtime.onMessage and chrome.runtime.sendMessage) or inject content scripts into the page environment (using chrome.scripting.executeScript) when the user clicks the “Mark” button. I chose the second approach as it seemed cleaner. The same applies to the “Jump” utility.

This is basically to isolate the extension’s environment from the web content so that extensions cannot directly access and modify tab content. As a result of this, extensions need specific permissions such as scripting and activeTab permissions to make an interaction between the extension’s popup window and the content scripts.

2) The data structure to be saved

If you want your application to be persistent and remember what the user has done, you need to store data in a persistent form.

I chose to store the details like this:

    [absoluteURL]: {

So, the data is stored in consists of keys of absolute URLs and values of data related to that page.

Each time a new scroll position is saved, the scrolls array is fetched and the new scroll details are added to it. The same approach is used for deletion and updates.

3) Deciding on how to implement the jump functionality.

Deciding how to implement the jump functionality was challenging. I could have simply saved the window.pageYOffset value when the user clicks “Mark” and uses that value with window.scrollTo(0, offset) when the user clicks “Jump” (like Scrroll In does). However, this would fail if the user resized the page or if the author changed font sizes. So, I decided to save enough information to recalculate the target offset based on a percentage.

When the user clicks “Mark,” I save not only window.pageYOffset but also window.innerHeight and document.body.scrollHeight. Since window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight roughly equals document.body.scrollHeight when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, we can adapt to page resizes with a normalization procedure when the user clicks “Jump.”

Is it that easy? Unfortunately, no. This method fails when the page gets longer due to dynamic content updates (like new comments). In this case, document.body.scrollHeight gets bigger, but the offset where the user left off and should continue to read on doesn’t actually change. Here, jumping directly to the offset works better. You can still adjust the offset value in comparison to window.innerHeight, also known as the viewport.

Currently, my extension uses the first method, but I might add a feature allowing users to choose which jump method they prefer for certain pages.

An Alternative Idea (Storing Uniquely Identifiable Text)

Another option is to mark pages based on uniquely identifiable text so the user can jump to specific text. The problem with this is if the author changes the page or content. Even changing one word can break the mark. In contrast, if you save scroll positions, you will still land somewhere close to the initial text.

Last Thoughts

I believe all these ideas can be improved to create a better marking application. Maybe a combination of these methods could work, or there might be even simpler concepts that I have missed.

The main problem is that pages can change, and it’s unclear how our application should adapt to these changes.

Anyway, I hope this application will be useful to some people. It will at least be useful to me. If you want to contribute, please feel free to send your PRs to kugurerdem/mark-scroll-positions